With a chill in the air and the leaves changing color you know that autumn is on its way and much like last week’s theme of Leaves is perfect for early autumn with your toddlers and preschoolers this week’s Acorn and Squirrel’s theme can be used anytime throughout the autumn months.
Don’t forget that you can get the full list of books for these coming months to plan ahead with our newsletters that send the plans straight to your inbox for you to pick up and check out more details about all of those at the end of your weekly activities plan.
This week’s featured book is Scaredy Squirrel by Melaine Watt although as normal we have included a few others later on for your information.

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Virtual Book Club for Kids Featured Book Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt
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Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt is a fun book for toddlers and preschoolers, scaredy squirrel is a little scared of lots of things and never leaves his nut tree. In this fun book with cartoon illustrations, scaredy squirrel is afraid of everything and the unknown and is also prepared. Of course, nothing goes to plan and well…. you have to read the book to find out exactly what happens.
I also like the book as it’s a great book to use early in the year as is introduces the concepts of routines and a visual calendar for the day. Read the book and then together with your child or children create your own together.
Watch the read-aloud below if you can’t find a copy of the book to share with your preschooler this week. You’ll also find some more squirrel and acorn books below that we recommend.
Scaredy Squirrel Themed Activities for Preschoolers
We have picked 5 easy activities based on this theme. Pick the one that appeals to you the most, try a few or if you are looking for more structure for your days then check out our weekly suggested schedule and plan to try all 5.
Squirrel and Acorn Songs and Rhymes to Sing Together
I’m a Little Acorn Song
We Love Acorns Song
Grey Squirrel Song
This Week’s Preschool Activities for the Acorn and Squirrel Theme
Scaredy Squirrel Activity Plan for Preschoolers
Acorn and Squirrel themed activities to go with the book Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt.
For this week's sensory activity you can gather acorns or grab couple packages of fake acorns. Encouraging your child to retell the story by providing additional items in the big like some tongs and a scoop for play. You can also add a couple squirrels to make it more fun.
You can create an acorn sensory bottle for some letter i-spy as your search for specific letters of the alphabet.
Over on Rainy Day Mum using either real of the FREE printable acorns order and sort them by size for math activity this week.
Nutter Butter acorn cookies are so easy to make! Kids can do much of the prep work on their own. These cookies are perfect for your acorn and squirrel preschool week.
Create your own fall art this week with some acorns, paint, and a recycled box. Toddler Approved shares how to easily paint with acorns with your preschooler.
Join the Virtual Book Club for Kids
You can come and join us in the Virtual Book Club for Kids in a couple of different ways.
If you are on Facebook come and join us in our Weekly Virtual Book Club for Kids Facebook Group with over 10,000 other parents, carers and educators we share activities, more book ideas plus songs, rhymes and more based on the weekly themes.
Or you can sign up below for your weekly newsletter which will send a link through to this site for the weekly book based activity plan very similar to this one with ideas and suggestions for learning, cooking and art and crafts based on the theme.

Weekly Virtual Book Club Plans
Get ideas for activities, crafts and recipes based on popular themes and featured books straight to your inbox each week to inspire you to connect and create with your children
More Acorn and Squirrel Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers
If you can’t find a copy of our featured book or you wish to provide more books on this weekly theme then we have the following suggestions.
One More Acorn by Don Freeman
Acorn to Oak Tree by Camilla de la Bedoyere
Because of an Acorn by Lola M. Schaefer
The Golden Acorn by Kate Hudson
Additional Acorn and Squirrel Themed Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Looking for some additional ideas for this fun fall theme? Explore these acorn and squirrel themed activities from some of our favorite bloggers.
Acorn Sharing Game – Witty Hoots
Squirrel and Acorn Ten Frame Printables and Activities by JDaniel4’s Mom
Acorn Fine Motor and Counting – Views From a Step Stool
DIY Song Cube with Fall Song Printable from My Storytime Corner
Acorn Discovery Table – Inspiration Laboratories
Acorn Color Sort- Teach Beside Me
Acorn Art – Messy Little Monster
Help the squirrel find his acorn – Mama Smiles
Squirrel Brain Breaks- The OT Toolbox
Squirrel Action Rhyme – Preschool Powol Packets
Find the Acorns Printable Sight Word Game – Artsy Momma
Making Shapes With Acorns – To Be A Kid Again
Fall Sensory Bin Acorns – Sea of Knowledge

Weekly Virtual Book Club Plans
Get ideas for activities, crafts and recipes based on popular themes and featured books straight to your inbox each week to inspire you to connect and create with your children
More Fall Themed Activities for your Preschooler from the Virtual Book Club for kids
Next week’s book will be Click, Clack Moo Cows that Type by Doreen Cronin
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