Welcome back to another week of the Virtual Book Club for Kids. This week we are celebrating and learning about Hanukkah with our preschoolers featuring the book Little Red Ruthie by Gloria Koste. Learning about different cultures, religions and people is great for preschoolers especially when we learn about their festivals.
So here we go our featured book and some simple activities for you to do with your preschooler this week for Hanukkah.

Find Your Activity Plan Here
Little Red Ruthie by Gloria Koste Featured Virtual Book Club for Kids Book of the Week
We have included links to the books on Amazon. As an associate, we may earn from qualifying purchases.
This week’s featured book is Little Red Ruthie by Gloria Koste. In this reimagined fairy tale Ruthie replaces Little Red Riding hood and heads out to celebrate Hanukkah with her grandmother the other side of the woods.
Instead of cookies, she brings latkes, sour cream and apple sauce. This is a fun tale that your preschooler and you will enjoy as you discover a bit more about Hanukkah and how it is celebrated.
Don’t worry if you haven’t got the book here is a read aloud for you to enjoy together with your child.
Hanukkah Songs and Rhymes for Preschoolers
Each week we try and include some songs and rhymes for you and your preschooler to sing together.
So get up and move and sing together with these hand picked ones for you to enjoy
Hanukkah Counting Song
Hanukkah is Here
Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel
Activity Plan for Preschoolers for Hanukkah Week
Each week you can find 5 simple activities that are easy, low prep and fun to do together with your preschoolers. Although we don’t have a set schedule or weekly plan, we do have a suggested structure if you plan to carry out the activities on a single day.
You can see the idea below in the image, this allows the sensory or imaginative play activity to be set up throughout the week and lets your preschooler explore.

Little Red Ruthie: A Hanukkah Tale Activity Plan for Preschoolers
A fun week of easy and simple activities to play, create and learn for preschoolers to accompany the book Little Red Ruthie by Gloria Koster for learning about Hanukkah.
A fun and easy to set up Sensory bin for Hanukkah week.
Practice letter and shape formation with this Hanukkah inspired salt tray.
A fun craft for math this week with shape candles and Menorah to make.
Easy and cute Menorah snack to make with your preschool this week.
Our craft this week is to make our own cardboard tube Menorah with your preschooler.
Hanukkah Activities for Preschoolers on Pinterest
Looking for more ideas for preschoolers this week then check out our Pinterest board below.
More Books about Hanukkah for Preschoolers
Whether you want to supplement your reading this week or exchange our featured book here are 3 other Hanukkah books we recommend for preschoolers and you to enjoy.
- Hanukkah Bear by Eric A. Kimmel
- Hanukkah Lights by David Martin
- Latke the Lucky Dog by Ellen Fischer