We’re on our final week of Christmas Activities for 2018 here on The Virtual Book Club for Kids and have a classic Christmas Book that we love to read aloud as a tradition. Featuring Santa and his reindeer as well as Stocking, Sugar Plums and lots of other Christmas things ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas is the perfect book to finish off 2018 and lead into the next year.
Don’t forget to scroll down to find 3 other fun Santa Books that you and your preschoolers will love as well as the 5 simple, easy, fun activities to do together during our Week of Santa Fun and Learning for Preschoolers.

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Virtual Book Club for Kids Featured Book It was The Night Before Christmas
We have included Amazon links to the books we recommend. If you purchase via the books we may earn a small commission.
Our featured book this week is one that we believe that every household should own. In our own, it’s one that is picked up on Christmas Eve and read aloud to our children and as they have grown older they have joined in reading. The Night Before Christmas by Clement Clark Moore is a classic Christmas Book that has stood the test of time and as you read it the words will come rushing back to you from the times you have heard it before.

Weekly Virtual Book Club Plans
Get ideas for activities, crafts and recipes based on popular themes and featured books straight to your inbox each week to inspire you to connect and create with your children
Santa and his Helpers Themed Week for Preschoolers
Choose from the 5 fun and simple activities we have selected below. They encourage you to have fun, play, learn, create and enjoy the featured book and supporting your preschoolers love of reading.

Sensory Activity Inspired by It was the Night Before Christmas
This week’s sensory activity we encourage you to make your own homemade playdough and create a Reindeer Invitation to Play using it.
If you want to create more why not create a set of red, black and white playdough and encourage your child to make Santa as well.
Santa Themed Alphabet Activity
This week we have a game to play inspired by a different fun book but an ideal one for Santa Themed Week. It’s an ABC Chimney Drop ideal for helping Santa deliver the presents.
In the instructions, it says to use boxes from the recycling bin. However, 26 is a lot so why not use some Lego, Blocks or other boxes you may have around and wrap in newspaper or brown paper that you can then reuse for crafting later.
Math Activity for a Santa Week with Preschoolers
For our Math Activity this week we have a fun Santa Bowling Game.
Count how many Santa Cups you and your child knock over – add them together and work on some hands-on Number Bond practice with your preschooler.
Quick Snack for ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas to make with Preschoolers
Although not Santa but one of his Reindeer these Easy Reindeer Snack is perfect for making with the kids.
Craft Project for Santa Week with Preschoolers
There are so many fun Santa Themed Crafts that you and the kids can do at Christmas time and it was fun choosing just one.
Make this fun Santa Mask with your preschooler and then use it for some role play of Santa delivering the presents.
More Santa Themed Books for Preschoolers
Whether you can’t find a copy of The Night Before Christmas or you want to supplement the featured books with some extras here’s a few Santa Themed Books we love to read aloud and together with our older toddlers and preschoolers.
Dear Santa by Rod Campbell
The Dinosaurs’ Night Before Christmas by Anne Muecke
Santa’s Stuck by Rhonda Gowler Greene
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Weekly Virtual Book Club Plans
Get ideas for activities, crafts and recipes based on popular themes and featured books straight to your inbox each week to inspire you to connect and create with your children
More Weekly Activity Plans for Christmas Fun with Your Preschoolers

Read Merry Christmas Mouse by Laura Numeroff and Enjoy a Week of Ornament Themed Activities for Preschoolers.
Join Little Blue Truck at Christmas and have a fun week of Christmas Tree themed ideas.
Featuring Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett have a fun week of playing, creating, learning and reading featuring Gingerbread and Gingerbread Men.